Through this blog I intend to offer free cards readings, just because I like to help people.
Before you ask, there is no catch, I'm not going to ask for money, you don't have to pay. The only thing I'm going to ask for is patience, since I also have an everyday job and this is not the main activity in my life. I will try to do your reading and get back to you as soon as I can. So please allow a few days for me to do so. Also, if you would like to help, you can click on the sponsors adverts that are shown on the top right side of this blog, since every click helps.
All you need to do to get your free reading is send your question through this form. I would also like to point out that I'm not an expert, so if you feel that the reading is wrong or it doesn't relate to your question, please let me know so I can improve.
But before you send your inquiry, I strongly recommend you to read the following information on how the cards can help and what kind of questions we can ask.
- How do the cards work?
- Do time and space matter?
- Are readings done by computers as effective as readings done by a human being?
- Can we ask the same question more than once?
- Can the cards lie or be wrong?
- Do cards readers have psychic abilities?
Some do, some others don't. In my case, I don't. I only interpret what I see in my cards and try to apply it to the question I was asked. That is why it is better if you provide complete information on the issue. This doesn't mean you have to explain every detail and give personal information. But if you ask "how do you see my love life?" I will probably be able to give you only a vague answer. It might be better if you say, for instance, "I'm actually in a relationship but we are going through some trouble. What can I do to make things work again between us?".
- What kind of questions can I ask?
You can ask almost anything, as long as you know how to ask. I need to make clear that it is not ethical to use the cards to ferret out information about someone else's life that is not related to us in any way.
I insist on the cards being a great method to know more about ourselves, to make decisions, to find out if we made the right choice, to see what we can expect from a situation or a person, to know more about a current event, or to investigate on what caused a specific situation.
I don't agree too much on using the cards to predict future. Basically because we forge our future with every single thing we do. This would be the so called "butterfly effect" ("small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system").
Also, you have to know that most of the times it is hard to get an accurate answer if you're asking a "yes/no" question. Depending on what oracle is being used, you might ask something that can be asked by a simple "yes" or "no", but sometimes, even if the oracle allows it, the answer might not be precise. Only if the energetic influences on the question are really strong, you will get a "yes" or a "no" as your answer. Most of the times the cards will give you a "maybe", or they can tell you about the current influences on the matter, so you know a bit more about it and can work it out for yourself.
Also, cards can't be used to know specific names, dates, places, times, phone numbers, etc. So you cannot ask "who should I date?". Simply because I don't own an oracle that contains people's names (if you know one, that would be interesting). The only way to ask questions about these specific details is to keep asking about each one of them. For instance, in the example above, we could ask "should I date John?" and pull a card to see what the answer is. Then ask again, "should I date Dan?" and pull another card for this question. And so on, trying different names. The same thing applies to dates, time, places and every specific information.
It is also very important to understand that even when the cards can give you some insight on your health status, it is imperative that you see a doctor about that. The cards can't provide you with a medical diagnosis.
That would be all for now. There is an English and a Spanish version of this, so you can read the information in the language you prefer, and send your question in any of those two languages.
.·*'*·. Request a reading .·*'*·.
The only required information is your email address -so I can send your reading- and the question itself. All the other data (name, age, country) are not required fields, and you can leave them blank if you wish.
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